Training of Trainers on Family and Income Management

This is a three-four day seminar for trainers in conducting Family and Income Management.  It discusses values in nurturing family relations and addresses family issues that drain migrant resources. It discusses goal setting, budgeting, saving, investing, borrowing and getting out of debt. This training can be conducted in any country.

I.  Training Seminar Objectives

At the end of the training seminar, the participants will be able to:

  1. Weigh the positive and negative effects of migration on migrants, their families and communities;
  2. Identify migrants’ issues and concerns to enable them to minimize the social costs of migration and achieve their financial and family goals for migration;
  3. Illustrate how goal setting, saving, investing and borrowing will ensure that migration will contribute to long-term development of migrants and their families; and
  4. Defend equality between men and women and practice shared responsibility in family decision-making on money and migration matters.

II. Target Participants

The target participants of the training of trainers are the following:

  1. Migrants and their families
  2. Provincial, city and municipal government staff providing services to migrants and families
  3. Leaders of migrant and family organizations
  4. Staff of development NGOs and faith-based organizations
  5. Teachers of public and private schools
  6. Cooperatives, rural financial institutions and organizations with existing or planned program for migrants and families

III. Training Content and Description

Module Module Objectives Content of Module
    Module 1:   Migration Realities and Nurturing Family Relations Topic 1: Understanding Migration Realities

The participants will be able to:

1. Discuss the issues, challenges and the positive and negative impact of migration on migrants, their families and communities;
2. Assess their role and   contribution both positively and negatively to their family and community; and
3. Identify gender specific inequalities in their migration experience
24 Hours in A Day of a Migrant

Weighing the Positive and Negative Impact of Migration
    Topic 2: Family Issues Brought by Migration

The participants will be able to:

1. Identify the various family issues that drain resources and the barriers to achieving goals for migration
2. Discuss feminization of migration and its impact on migrants and families
Problems Caused by Overseas
Migration Especially By Migration of Women    
    Topic 3: Addressing Family Issues

The participants will be able to:

1. Share their challenges in coping with migration
2. Identify strategies in addressing some of the issues that hinder them from achieving their goals
Addressing Issues:

Gap in Relationship with Children
Problems with relationship with Spouse
Luxurious Lifestyle & Over-indulgence and Consumerism
Module 2:   Achieving Goal for Migration The participants will be able to:

1. Identify their short-term and long-term goals for migration
2. Practice shared responsibility in goal setting and decision making
Making SMART Short-Term and Long- Term Goals as a Family
    Module 3:   Saving and Budgeting The participants will be able to:

1. Distinguish between needs and wants
2. Demonstrate how to make a proper budget
3. Identify the need for personal savings
4. Discuss the concept of saving
5. Make a concrete saving and investment plan
6. Practice  shared responsibility between migrants and other family members in achieving savings goal
Needs and Wants

Concept of Saving
Tips in Saving
Computing Savings Goal
Module 4:   Investing and Protecting Ourselves The participants will be able to:

1. Discuss the need to protect themselves and their families from unforeseen events
2. Compute emergency and insurance funds to protect oneself and one’s income
3. Define the  concept of investing
Definition of Investing
Tips in Investing
Need for Protection
Computing Emergency Fund
Definition of Insurance
Module 5:   Borrowing and Getting Out of Debt The participants will be able to:

1. Differentiate  when to borrow and not borrow money
2. Devise a strategy to get out of debt
When to Borrow and Not to Borrow
Sources of Loans
Getting out of Debt
Module 6   Peer Counseling Facilitating and Public Speaking The participants will be able to:

1. Conduct peer counseling, facilitate discussions and speak in public
2. Conduct a seminar on Nurturing Family Relations and Family and Income Management
Peer Counseling, Facilitating, Public Speaking
Conduct of the Seminar on Nurturing Family Relations and Family and Income Management Training