This is a three – four-day seminar and study mission that discusses the link between migration and      development and showcases the different good practices of migration stakeholders of regional government agencies, local government units, NGOs and private sector.  The global field school will be in the Philippines.

Seminar Objectives

     At the end of the seminar, the participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss about the Global Compact on Migration and also their national and local migration policies;
  2.  Share about the positive and negative impact of migration of the Philippines and in their own context;
  3. Share about the various ways to harness the potential of migration
  4. Enumerate steps in mainstreaming migration and development in their areas of work

Target Participants

The seminar is designed for the following participants:

  1. Provincial, city and municipal government officials
  2. Heads or key personnel of various agencies, departments and offices of provincial, city and municipal governments
  3. Members of Migration and Development Councils/Committees
  4. Heads and personnel of Migration Resource Centers
  5. Focal persons of Local Government Units  on Migration and Development
  6. Officers of associations of migrants,  families of migrants  and organizations of migrant returnees
  7. Interested representatives of agencies and institutions in the academe, NGO, church, and business communities
1. Understanding Migration and Development Policies (SDG, GCM, national and local policies)1. SDG and Migration and Development
2. Global Compact on Migration
3. National Policies on Migration
4. Local Policies on Migration
5. Gaps in Policies and Recommendation
2. Migration and Development 101 – Nexus Between Migration and development 1.Understanding and Characterizing Migrants

– Definition of Concepts on International Migration
– History and Features of Migration from the Philippines compared to your country
– Composition and Characteristics of the Diaspora
2. Harnessing the Development Potential of International Migration

– Appreciating the Duality of Migration
– Strategies in Harnessing Migration for Development
3.Migration and Development Local Context

– Migration and Development Initiatives In the Region
– Local History of Migration
– Positive and Negative Impact of Migration
– Areas of Engagement with Diaspora
– Field Visits
3.Migration and Development 102 – Mainstreaming Migration and Development in Local Governance 1.Partnership Building

– Identifying Champions
– Multi-Stakeholder Partnership and Partnership Building
2.Pillars of Migration and Development in Local Governance

– Leadership
– Financing
– Human Resource
– Data and Communication
– Service Delivery
3.Establishing One-Stop Migration Resource Center

– Programs and Services of One-Stop Migration Resource Centers
– Organizational Structure
– Migration and Development Initiatives
– Field Visits of Existing Practices
4. Learning Integration adapt/replicate/improve best practices in the Philippines1.Gaps and Opportunities in Implementing Migration and Development
2.Best Practice that can be adopted/ replicated
3. Areas of Partnership and Planning for Capacity building